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Steam_Water - IF97

IF97 Steam Table은 다음 코드를 사용합니다

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Steam function UNIT

Abbre viationINPUT1 unitINPUT2 unitRESULT unitFunction Description
psat_Tdeg.C barSaturation pressure
p_hskJ/kgkJ/(kgK)barPressure as a function of h and s.
p_hrhokJ/kgkg/m3barPressure as a function of h and rho (density). Very inaccurate for solid water region since it’s almost incompressible!
Tsat_pbar deg.CSaturation temperature
T_phbarkJ/kgdeg.CTemperature as a function of pressure and enthalpy
T_psbarkJ/(kgK)deg.CTemperatureasa function of pressure and entropy
T_hskJ/kgkJ/(kgK)deg.CTemperatureasa function of enthalpy and entropy
hV_pbar kJ/kgSaturated Vapor enthalpy
hL_pbar kJ/kgSaturated liquid enthalpy
hV_Tdeg.C kJ/kgSaturated Vapor enthalpy
hL_Tdeg.C kJ/kgSaturated liquid enthalpy
h_pTbardeg.CkJ/kgEnthalpy as a function of pressure and temperature.
h_psbarkJ/(kgK)kJ/kgEnthalpy as a function of pressure and entropy.
h_pxbar kJ/kgEnthalpy as a function of pressure and Vapor fraction
h_Txdeg.C kJ/kgEnthalpy as a function of temperature and Vapor fraction
h_prhobarkg/m3kJ/kgEnthalpy as a function of pressure and density. Observe for low temperatures (liquid) this equation has 2 solutions. (Not valid!!)
vV_pbar m3/kgSaturated Vapor volume
vL_pbar m3/kgSaturated liquid volume
vV_Tdeg.C m3/kgSaturated Vapor volume
vL_Tdeg.C m3/kgSaturated liquid volume
v_pTbardeg.Cm3/kgSpecificvolumeasa function of pressure and temperature.
v_phbarkJ/kgm3/kgSpecificvolumeasa function of pressure and enthalpy
v_psbarkJ/(kgK)m3/kgSpecificvolumeasa function of pressure and entropy.
rhoV_pbar kg/m3Saturated Vapor density
rhoL_pbar kg/m3Saturated liquid density
rhoV_Tdeg.C kg/m3Saturated Vapor density
rhoL_Tdeg.C kg/m3Saturated liquid density
rho_pTbardeg.Ckg/m3Density as a function of pressure and temperature.
rho_phbarkJ/kgkg/m3Density as a function of pressure and enthalpy
rho_psbarkJ/(kgK)kg/m3Density as a function of pressure and entropy.
sV_pbar kJ/(kgK)Saturated Vapor entropy
sL_pbar kJ/(kgK)Saturated liquid entropy
sV_Tdeg.C kJ/(kgK)Saturated Vapor entropy
sL_Tdeg.C kJ/(kgK)Saturated liquid entropy
s_pTbardeg.CkJ/(kgK)Specific entropy as a function of pressure and temperature (Returns saturated Vapor Enthalpy if mixture.)
s_phbarkJ/kgkJ/(kgK)Specificentropyasa function of pressure and enthalpy
uV_pbar kJ/kgSaturated Vapor internal energy
uL_pbar kJ/kgSaturated liquid internal energy
uV_Tdeg.C kJ/kgSaturated Vapor internal energy
uL_Tdeg.C kJ/kgSaturated liquid internal energy
u_pTbardeg.CkJ/kgSpecificinternal energyasa function of pressure and temperature.
u_phbarkJ/kgkJ/kgSpecificinternal energyasa function of pressure and enthalpy
u_psbarkJ/(kgK)kJ/kgSpecificinternal energyasa function of pressure and entropy.
CpV_pbar kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated Vapor heatcapacity
CpL_pbar kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated liquid heatcapacity
CpV_Tdeg.C kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated Vapor heatcapacity
CpL_Tdeg.C kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated liquid heatcapacity
Cp_pTbardeg.CkJ/(kgdeg.C)Specificisobaricheatcapacityasa function of pressure and temperature.
Cp_phbarkJ/kgkJ/(kgdeg.C)Specificisobaricheatcapacityasa function of pressure and enthalpy
Cp_psbarkJ/(kgK)kJ/(kgdeg.C)Specificisobaricheatcapacityasa function of pressure and entropy.
CvV_pbar kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated Vapor isochoricheatcapacity
CvL_pbar kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated liquid isochoricheatcapacity
CvV_Tdeg.C kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated Vapor isochoricheatcapacity
CvL_Tdeg.C kJ/(kgdeg.C)Saturated liquid isochoricheatcapacity
Cv_pTbardeg.CkJ/(kgdeg.C)Specific isobaric heat capacity as a function of pressure and temperature.
Cv_phbarkJ/kgkJ/(kgdeg.C)Specific isobaric heat capacity as a function of pressure and enthalpy
Cv_psbarkJ/(kgK)kJ/(kgdeg.C)Specific isobaric heat capacity as a function of pressure and entropy.
wV_pbar m/sSaturated Vapor speed of sound
wL_pbar m/sSaturated liquid speed of sound
wV_Tdeg.C m/sSaturated Vapor speed of sound
wL_Tdeg.C m/sSaturated liquid speed of sound
w_pTbardeg.Cm/sspeed of sound as a function of pressure and temperature.
w_phbarkJ/kgm/sspeed of sound as a function of pressure and enthalpy
w_psbarkJ/(kgK)m/sspeed of sound as a function of pressure and entropy.
my_pTbardeg.CPasViscosity as a function of pressure and temperature.
my_phbarkJ/kgPasViscosity as a function of pressure and enthalpy
my_psbarkJ/(kgK)PasViscosity as a function of pressure and entropy.
tcL_pbar W/(mK)Saturated Vapor thermalconductivity
tcV_pbar W/(mK)Saturated liquid thermalconductivity
tcL_Tdeg.C W/(mK)Saturated Vapor thermalconductivity
tcV_Tdeg.C W/(mK)Saturated liquid thermalconductivity
tc_pTbardeg.CW/(mK)Thermalconductivityasa function of pressure and temperature.
tc_phbarkJ/(kgK)W/(mK)Thermalconductivityasa function of pressure and enthalpy
tc_hskJ/(kgK)kJ/(kgK)W/(mK)Thermalconductivityasa function of enthalpy and entropy
st_Tdeg.C N/mSurface tension for two phase water/steam as a function of T
st_pbar N/mSurface tension for two phase water/steam as a function of T
x_phbarkJ/kg Vapor fraction as a function of pressure and enthalpy
x_psbarkJ/(kgK) Vapor fraction as a function of pressure and entropy.
vx_phbarkJ/kg Vapor volume fraction as a function of pressure and enthalpy
vx_psbarkJ/(kgK) Vapor volume fraction as a function of pressure and entropy.

Surface tension IAPWS Release on Surface tension of Ordinary Water Substance,September 1994

Vapor volume fraction Observe that Vapor volume fraction is very sensitive. Vapor volume is about 1000 times greater than liquid volume and therefore Vapor volume fraction gets close to the accuracy of steam IF-97

Thermal Conductivity Revised release on the IAPS Formulation 1985 for the Thermal Conductivityofordinarywatersubstance(IAPWS1998)

Dynamic Viscosity Viscosity is not part of IAPWS Steam IF97. Equations from “Revised Release on the IAPWS Formulation 1985 for the Viscosity of Ordinary Water Substance”, 2003 are used. Viscosity in the mixed region (4) is interpolated according to the density. This is not true since it will be two fases.